Friday, October 5, 2007

Yay... Re presentation underway...

Greetings, Tru-Believers!

My job is now semi-solid (being made of gellatin), and as a result, I will be re-presenting and re-compositing the origin JEB: SPACEPILOT story. This will take some time, but updates should begin appearing here shortly. I'll post a synopsis at some point, but suffice to say, it is a vehicle for surrealisymmetry and free-form art (and digital manipulations), but there are some traditional comic styles that show up from time to time.

In other news, The Iron Man movie has a fun, but possibly listless trailer out on Apple's Quicktime trailer listing (they still don't have "There Will Be Blood" on their rotation on last check). I'd run a link, but it will be dead all too soon... I'm a big George Tuska fan (and Iron Man junkie from the 70 - 80's). I basically "made the connection" to comics with #100 (feat. the Mandarin). Just another property that should have never been allowed to rot out... Artists of note include Johnny Craig (no relation?), George Tuska, Bob Layton, MD Bright (who saved the series), Dwayne Turner, and of course Jack King Kirby.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Bad News for Education... and sciences...

Idiotic sycophant Rick Perry (Texas Gov) has placed a new (old) zealot as chair of his education group. I consider myself highly conservative on most features and occassionally republican with spun political "issues", but I reject the republican "non-plan" for education... because it is just that: not a plan. I believe that the motions Perry makes in both higher education circles and k-12 are nothing short of torpedo bombardment on our future.
The upshot is that another anti-evolution puppet is in a position of policy generation.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Music Enabled...

Fans of our "particular brand of humor" may also enjoy our "particular brand of music". If your SpybotS&D is loaded, check out THE DISTRACTIONS on myspace:

We are all about amusements here at the desk.

In other news, chili is apparently laced with botuli.

Society doesn't demand perfection... and in fact its expectation for occassional high performance is almost balanced with moderate approaches to new demands/pressures/ etc. The theory of Society as organism suggests that hyper-parasitism and super-parasitism may be encouraged in certain subpopulations as a means of atrophying exceptionally dynamic regions of research, development, etc. that might be characterized as "challenging" to the system. Higher education is just one large venue ripe for this, and non-productive parasitism is readily viewable on every level, and oftentimes every department.
The view of Society as an organism in its own right, with a dynamic population of human "cells" seems critical to me as a means of explaining the otherwise inexplicable behavior witnessed.
Gun control, perceptions of adequate civic-level peacekeeping efforts, and the development of "normalizing" global partnerships (like the WHO and League of Nations) are efforts on the part of society to set a mild, non-reform agenda and substrate to ensure its own survival. Just like ourselves, Society can afford to lose a few skin cells in any given process.
The pressures facing Society are only slightly askew from our own. Challenges for survival, food, growth, pressure to self-analyze are all features we can intimately (selfishly?) relate to. Quite rightly, Society fears individual potencies. Society can be subject to broad, infective ideas, sickness, revolutions, natural disasters. Just like ourselves, Society pursues an agenda where it won't have to do very much to ensure its own survival.
- Klypus

Thursday, July 19, 2007

A First Post...

This blog is intended to allow my venting of professional failure of the American workforce... and to talk about fun media. I suppose a schizophrenic approach is ideal...

I suspect that Jeb: Spacepilot updates will appear from time to time as well (as per LeRoy's requestings...

Klypus, 12th king of the Immatea...